Cary Real Estate Home Buying Tip #11 – How to Analyze a Home That Has a Feature You Don't Like

Looking at homes can be a challenging task with many factors to consider.    Here’s a very practical way of analyzing items/features about a home that you do not like.

I call it my ‘Flow Chart of  Elimination”  Catchy title right . . I know you’re excited.

chalkboard flowchart

So you’re out looking at a home and you see something that you do not like.

Question #1 Is it the house or the current owners decorating style/furniture?

Sounds silly but it happens all the time – a buyer will walk into a home and comment “I don’t like this at all, only to find out it’s actually the sellers taste in decorating!

Okay so you made it past number 1 – it really is something to do with the house/lot – lets proceed . . .

Question #2 Can it be changed?

This is a simple yes or no – for example a carpeted floor CAN be changed over to hardwoods BUT if the home backs to a busy highway that’s NOT going to change.

If the answer is a “No”, it can’t be changed then ask yourself   “Is this something I’m willing to accept / compromise on – if so keep looking at the property – it you are not willing to compromise or accept the item and it can’t be changed then move on to the next property!

If the answer is “Yes” – the item can be changed you have a new set of questions

Are you Willing to Change the item and are you Able to change the item.

Willing:   If its changing the carpet over to hardwood then you are ok with spending the time finding a hardwood flooring contractor, meeting with the contractor, picking out your stain color,  dealing with the process etc

Able:  You have the financial resources to have the work done – remember most likely this will not be included in the purchase price/mortgage for the home.

If the answer to willing and able is yes then keep looking at the home.  If you’re a no on either willing or able then its  back to considering if you are willing to compromise on this feature.

This may sound like a formal and dry process but once you commit the concept to memory it’s very fast to process.  I hope this helps you in your home search.  If you’re looking for a home in Cary, North Carolina please let me know – I have more tips!


This Blog Post Provided by David Williams, Broker/Owner of

David is a Cary Native and A Trusted Advisor / Friendly Authority on Cary Real Estate

Licensed NC Broker & Realtor


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