Here’s a picture of me, in case you forgot what I looked like.

(If you didn’t know what I looked like in the first place, I probably don’t know you. Why are you here? How did you even find this page?)
So, rumor has it you’ve been wondering what’s up with Kacy these days (and by “these days” I mean since I quit working at the KW Cary front desk less than 2 weeks ago). Well, it turns out you’re not the only one wondering, so I’ve compiled a handy list of the top 10 questions and observations people have been asking/making that I thought you may find helpful:
You: “Hey, I thought you quit!”
Kacy: “I did.”
You: “…So what are you doing here at the office?”
Kacy: “Working.”
You: “Working? What are you doing?”
Kacy: “I’m working with David and Amanda Williams as part of their team now.”
You: “Really? Did you pass your test and get your license?”
Kacy: “Nope.”
You: ” ….Are you going to?”
Kacy: “Dunno. Maybe.”
You: “So you’re not licensed yet?”
Kacy: “Still no.”
You: “So do you have the date scheduled to take your test?”
Kacy: “Nope. Still figuring out if it’s necessary.”
You: “So what are you doing now on their team?”
Kacy: “My email signature says Listing Manager and Client Care Champion.”
You: “…uh…”
Kacy: “Marketing and advertising and some admin work.”
You: “Oh, ok cool!”
Kacy: “Yeah, I’m pretty excited!”
You: (Insert reaction here. *Options include, but are not limited to: expressions about why this is a good fit for me, why you are excited for me, exclamations about how good it is to see me back around the office, requests to get the tour of my new workspace, general fanfare)
Kacy: (Reciprocation of excitement, high-fives are exchanged, Elvis temporarily comes back from the dead for a quick celebratory fist-bump, a disco ball descends from the ceiling, partying commences)
(Cue confetti)
Still Have Questions? Too Bad!
Just kidding! Swing by my office and say hi and ask me anything
(like “what’s the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?”)
Too Lazy To Walk To My Office?
Don’t Feel Like Doing Either?
I can’t help you there.