So, are you like me? Are you a member of the sandwich generation…responsible for your children and taking on an ever-increasing role in your aging parents’ lives? Even if you haven’t found yourself in this position yet, I promise that if you have parents, you will one day face some difficult decisions related to either their health care, their living situation or their quality of life.

As I was driving around Cary and Wake county today, I was noticing how many truly top-notch retirement communities, senior centers and assisted living facilities we have here. I know first-hand about a large number of them since I have just finished the long, sometimes painful process of placing both of my parents in an assisted living facility. Since this area is particularly known for its wonderful climate, exceptional health care, stable economy, and great real estate market…it has enjoyed the unique phenomenon of parents (grandparents) following their grown children and their families here. This is, of course, a wonderful situation for the families who can enjoy the multi-generational bonds that are so rare these days. However, as the parents age…their ability to live on their own diminishes, leaving their children in the difficult ‘sandwich’ situation. The good news is that Wake County has done an exceptional job of providing access to resources and information which can help families navigate these difficult waters.
Resources for Seniors is an exceptionally useful website with a staggering amount of information to guide and direct you and answer any questions you may have! I couldn’t have even started my search without it…I hope you’ll find it useful too!